New free outfit at PeppermintBlue: all you see in the picture, only the hair isn't from there, it's a freebie pack from Here Comes Trouble.
Outfit, boots, fairy wings, shroom and accessories from Sentou Yousei Hunt. Hair from Kurotsubaki group, halloween gift.
Morticia skin from Lemania, 1L. Knit top from a lucky chair at Moxie Polanos (I don't know if the top is still available, but the lucky chair has other nice stuff in it).
Betty boop tank from [cipria couture], 1L. Skin is Raquel, a new dollarbie at A piece of Candy. Hair from Here Comes Trouble, 1L a fatpack.
Sn@tch Cupcake dress from the Magic of Oz hunt and picture was taken at their sim, which is great! Hair group halloween gift from Kurotsubaki.
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