Here is Lavinia!
Hello girls and guys, i just logged on to quickly say that as from now Lavinia Yiyuan is gonna be helping me (my internet goes on and off, and a flu and... well i need help!), and you will see she is what i call a 'chair specialist' lol... lucky chairs, camping chairs, thats her favourite subject. Well... heres Lavinia, have fun!
Olá garotas e rapazes, eu sé entrei rapidinho pra dizer que a partir de agora Lavinia Yiyuan vai me dar uma mãozinha aqui no blog (minha internet tem caido o tempo todo, gripe e... bem, eu preciso de ajuda!), e vpcês vão ver que ela é o que eu chamo de 'especialista em cadeiras' lol... lucky chairs, camping chairs, são os assuntos preferidos dela. bem aqui está a Lavinia, divirtam-se!
I fell in love with this red outfit I saw on The Image Reflections lucky chair, and kept trying for it for 2 days (the letters obly change every 120 minutes!!!!). Well, but it was worth it! I love it.
Me apaixonei por esse conjunto vermelho, e fiquei dois dias tentando a lucky chair da Image Reflections (as letras mudam a cada 120minutos!!!!). Mas valeu! amei.Roupa/Outfit: Frostbite-Red-Image Reflections, $0L from Image Reflections lucky chair
Cabelo/Hair: Stephanie - Ginger Red, $1L @ Diversity Hair (freebie section/na parte area de freebies)
Acessorios/Accessories: ~Digital Adornments~ Bloodstones Set$0L from Digital Knickers lucky chair
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