The treasure map - newbie journal
First of all sorry i couldnt post anything today... so far, RL called me... anyway ill make it BIG now to compensate, lol
My newbie found this WONDERFUL web site called Tokyo Pig Sight where they just show you pages and pages packed with freebies that can be found at the mall and the shop you can find them, and of course i mean freebies as in 0L stuff! You click on the item you like, then it leads you to the shop page, and from there you either get a slurl or you can use the search bar in SL to look up the store name^^ brilliant
The Tokyo Pig Sight Mall can be reached from here and theres a LOT more freebies to be found there (almost every shop has a gift), and if you want to BUY something you can just camp, theres a bunch of campings spots there!
ps. The LMs im giving are in some cases for the shop's Main Stores, but all items can be found at the Tokyo PiG Sight too, and remember theres more to Tokyo Pig Sight than the mall!
Primeiramente peço desculpas por não ter postado nada hoje... ainda, a RL me chamou... enfim, vou fazer esse bem GRANDE pra compensar Lol
Minha newbie encontrou um site MARAVILHOSO chamado Tokyo Pig Sight onde eles te dão páginas e mais paginas cheias de freebies que você acha no shopping, e a loja onde encontrá-los, e claro que eu estou falando de 0L freebies! Você clica no item que gostou e ele te leva a pagina da loja, de lá você pode achar uma slurl direto pra ela ou usar a barra search no SL e procurar pelo nome da loja^^ fantastico
Voce pode ir para o Tokyo PiG Sight Mall aqui, mas o Tokyo PiG Sight tem lojas fora do shopping tambem! e tem MUITO mais freebies pra pegar (quase toda loja tem presentes), e se você quiser COMPRAR algo, é só fazer camping, la tem montes!
ps. As LMs que eu estou passando são em alguns casos para as matrizes das lojas, mas tem tudo no Tokyo PiG Sight também
Worn in all pics/Usado em todas as fotos:
Eyes: KAO FREE 5color Eyes, $0L @ Kao Skins
Shape: Tukinowaguma Shape, $0L (comes with the Mako Hair/vem junto com o cabelo Mako)
Nails/Unhas: Maxi3_free_nails_V21, $0L @ Maxi3Skin: ==B@F== Beauty girl Ritsu, $0L @ Shop BF
Cabelo/Hair: Tukinowaguma Daina Black, $0L
Sandals/Sandalias: ::: YUMEJI [Orihime] ::: free geta, $0L
Pulseira/Bracelet: *yamy*Lace Bangle(3color), $0L
Glasses/Oculos: *ottico* FreeGlasses, $0L
Pants/Calças: ::LT:: Platinum-UnderPants01-FatPack, $0L @ Little Town
Blouse/Blusa: DPS Syusu-Blouse, $0L @ DP SerendipitySkin: free_male-skin, $0L @ Leisurely (its male but suits a femele nicely/é masculina mas fica lindinha em mulheres)
Cabelo/Hair: Tukinowaguma Natumi Black, $0L
Ribbons/Fitas: Tw Free Ribbon, $0L @ Tukinowaguma
Scarf/Cachecol: Skull Dot Scarf, $0L @ Trash
Calça/Pants: J.J.Poodle_Free_Leggings_Set, $0L
Pulseira/Bracelet: *yamy*Scal Wrist Band(3color), $0L
T-shirt/Camiseta: newpunksnottshirts,$0L @ Punk is not Dead
Cinto/belt: MNK_gift **nikukyu**(pig), $0L
Pins/broches: PINS, $0L @ Trash
Boots/Botas: Free boots in box free, $0L @ Punk is not Dead
Earring/brinco: [P/a] RingRing, $0L @ PerturbationSkin: free_male-skin, $0L @ Leisurely
Hair/Cabelo: W&Y yuki HEAR moca, $0L @ Waka & Yuki
Flower crown/Coroa de flores: **PLANTS** flower crown, $0L
Shit/Camisa: *DPS Henry-T gift, $0L @ DP Serendipity
Saia/Skirt: mnk-gift1, $0L @ MNK
Tiara: *::UM::* Takara_Line FREE GIFT, $0L @ *Ume Mode*
Bag/Bolsa: *UM* Ratan_Bag FREE GIFT, $0L @ *Ume Mode*
Anklet/Tornozeleira: (*TSD)GIFT Ribbon Anklet, $0L
Sandals/Sandalias: ::: YUMEJI [Orihime] ::: free geta, $0L
The backgrounds of the pics were taken from VHdesigns, and forge22
Os desenhos das fotos foram pegos na VHdesigns, e forge22
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