Mirror, Mirror...
After making the post on the super low shorts i went to Mirror* again and, yayy, I found the owner ( and responsible for THOSE shorts), I TPd Suri and Ewan Malle showed us around, but cool down girls, he is married to Mirai Shan (from Mirai Style) one of the best hair makers around, and we dont want to upset her or she will never let us into her store again /snif
Depois de postar sobre os shorts baixissimos eu voltei a Mirror* e, yayyy, encontrei o dono lá (é o responsável por AQUELES shorts), mandei TP pra Suri Ewan malle mostrou a loja pra gente. mas calma garotas ele eh casado com Mirai Shan (da Mirai Style) uma das melhores 'cabeleireiras' do sl, e nos não queremos chatea-la senão ela nunca mais deixa a gente entrar na loja dela /snifMe and Ewan eating the chips you can get by touching the can on the bag... Theres also a little purse mirror and a hair iron lol
Eu e Ewan comendo as batatinhas que você pega quando clica na lata da bolsa... tem tambem um espelhinho e uma chapinha lol
Bolsa/bag: Mirrors+Mirai Style -KagoBag, $100L
My Outfit is all by Mirror*, and the hair from Mirai Style
Minha roupa é toda da Mirror*, e o cabelo da Mirai StyleMe and Suri with our new friend
Eu e a Suri com nosso novo amigoSuri couldnt resist THE shorts lol/Suri não resistiu ÀQUELES shorts, lol:
Shorts: Hickory pants ($0L) and bag from Mirror,
Cilios/ Eyelashes: free eyelashes from cybernetic skins, $0L
Top: fishnet top from rare breed, $0L
Not free:
Pornstar sneakers (by urban bomb unit)
miho hair from mirai
July 28, 2008 at 2:58 PM
Oii! Gostaria de saber se onde é essa skin machucada das fotos...abraços
July 28, 2008 at 4:34 PM
What is the name of your hair on this post? I'm kind of a noob and bought the wrong one b/c I thought that I was getting the hair in the colour sample pictures :/
Is it called HIPY? Your bangs look a bit different than that one. Thank you! :)
July 28, 2008 at 4:43 PM
Amber, the hair is called DAFY, Liessa is not wearing HIPY. hope u find it!
July 29, 2008 at 4:01 PM
Hi! I would like to know where i can findi this sins that u are wearing in the pictures of this post? The one with blood and messy makeup..please
July 29, 2008 at 5:58 PM
Desculpe Luciana, to com a cabeça no mundo da lua :(
o nome da skin eh Inspired Skin - Royo Tone 2, da Pulse o link eh http://slurl.com/secondlife/Nip%20Tuck%20Island/49/186/461
mais uma vez desculpa a demora ><
July 31, 2008 at 7:52 AM
Oi! Capaz...Valeu msm...